Thursday, 10 May 2012

Baby Flesh Pills/ Obama's Decision...

The Chinese government has denied the presence of pills made from the flesh of dead babies in their country, the Country's health minister has said. 

Deng Haihua, a spokesperson for China's health ministry said that the country has strict regulations to ensure that such a thing could not occur.
According to a report in the Korea Times, 29 smugglers of "human-flesh capsules" have been arrested after trying to bring 11,000 pills into the country while disguised as tourists.
The pills are taken by people who believe they may help increase stamina, for rejuvenation or by terminal cancer patients.
Are these people serious??? Pills made from the flesh of dead babies???
May God help us...
Oh, and if you have not heard...President Obama Supports Same-Sex marraige...
Click here to watch a video of this:Same-Sex marraige

He's being applauded and called courageous. Other people hate him for it....Do you think he stands a chance against the republicans???
Good Morning...
Have a beautiful day...


  1. maybe its time straight people started asking for their right like the right to not see gay people is a pity that the world has failed to see what is right and what is totally wrong.P.S. i don't hate gays but i don't condone what they do

  2. Its appropriately said by the Roman catholic Church "Every child needs a father and mother....". American definnition of Parenthood certainly is getting mixed up, and liberalism is begining to take new dimensions.

    I doubt the science in same sexes fulfiling both roles on religious, social, mental, physical, finacial or moral grounds. The complexity of Marriage and its institution alone should be the morality of Obama accepting this position.

    For now, if he intends to sway the votes by this strategy, he has certainly lost my confidence. He who stoops so low, will bend and bow to anything.
