Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Would never forget my 'besties' sweet encouragement when I needed to hear 'a word at the right time', "IJ, learn from little babies and ants. Babies are remarkable when they are learning how to walk. They might fall and cry but they have this grittiness about them that makes them to never give up and eventually, they delight in the joy of using their legs, they walk. Unless you kill an ant, you can never stop it from reaching its goal. No stumbling block is big enough to stop an ant from reaching its destination. Like a baby or an ant, keep persisting on your dreams."

God bless my 'Micheal' soul! :))

Like they say, till God opens a new door, praise Him in the doorway...Never run out on your trust for Him and keep persisting...


“Don't ever give up.  Don't ever give in.  Don't ever stop 

trying.  Don't ever sell out.  And if you find yourself 

succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment,  pick 

yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start 

where you left off. But never, ever, ever give up.” 

Rachelle E. Goodrich


Also, thank you so much for your warm support on 'short story'....

Thank you very much.......Big hugssssss :))

God bless!!!!!!!!!!! :))

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