Monday, 22 July 2013

Laughter, God and Little Things :)

Hola Mes Amis :)

How was your weekend? :)
The past week has been amazing...
Celebrated my B-day and it was so much fun. My boyfriend celebrated his b-day 2 days ago as well....So, technically, I was in 2 countries at once (I love long distance relationships), all smiles and grateful to God for his many miracles...

Like Tamar Lee Owens, I give credit to Laughter, God and little things for everything..They keep me going :)
I love talking to people, fighting for a cause (Yup! so in support of the #NOCHILDBRIDE campaign) , having moments with God and laughing...

While everyday may not be my birthday, I love that I get to experience birthday feelings every single day.....I'm grateful for all I have....


Laughter-"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken" (Prov. 15:13). True happiness begins deep inside and emerges on our faces.
The Lord-"The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility" (v.33). When God is central in our hearts, He can teach us His way through every experience of life.
The Little Things-"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred" (v.17). Maintaining loving relationships and enjoying the basic things of life are more important than wealth and success.Not all of us will live a long time, but we can all live well each day-with laughter, the Lord, and the little things in life.The world is filled with so much good-Little things that bring us pleasure-But Christ can fill our lives with joy, beyond all earthly treasure.-Sper
Happiness is not a destination but a day-by-day journey. - Culled from Our daily bread devotional 
What keeps you going each day?

Here are some birthday pics....
I love my church family....They sang for me and insisted on knowing my age. Ha!

Awwww...My adorable cakes :))

Eating time...Yayyyy!!!!!

With my work bestie....Check her blog @ :D

My work family praying for me :))..Ps! U like my really cute figurine..?

Mentor discussion...One of the greatest man I know!

I love my BF a lot...See his cute Bday cake (Canada Love)

My canadian family...Heartthrob :)

Left a piece for U! :D

Thank you so much for your love....

Have a Super Duper- Happiness filled week...Hugs :)

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