Friday, 10 August 2012

Sunitha Krishnan: My new HEROINE

Hi everyone,
How's your day so far?
I just listened to one of the greatest woman in the world speak and would like you to listen to her message as well...
Sunitha Krishnan- The fight against sex slavery
I learnt 3 lessons from her speech:
1. You can go past your bad experiences in life and make something good out of it.
2. Think of ways to help the less fortunate. Yeah, alms are important, but how else can you empower them? Just think of one way...
3. Be empathetic. I didn't say 'compassionate'. Be empathetic.

Here are some disturbing facts on human trafficking in the world:

Short Statistics Human Trafficking Worldwide (
  • 27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.
  • 12.3 million – Number of adults and children in forced labor around the world
  • 9.8 million – Number of these that are exploited by private agents for labor or commercial sex purposes.
  • 800,000 – Number of people trafficked across international borders every year, as of 2007.
  • 2 million – Number of children exploited by the global commercial sex trade.
  • 1.2 million – Number of children trafficked globally in 2000.
  • 80% – Percent of transnational victims who are women and girls.
  • 50% – Percent of transnational victims who are minors.
  • At least 56% – Percent of trafficking victims globally who are women.
  • 161 – Countries identified as affected by human trafficking:
  • 127 countries of origin; 98 transit countries; 137 destination countries.
  • Note: Countries may be counted multiple times and categories are not mutually exclusive.
  • 116 – Countries that have enacted legislation to prohibit all forms of [human] trafficking.
  • 104 – Countries without laws, policies, or regulations to prevent victims’ deportations.
  • 62 – Countries that have yet to convict a trafficker under laws in compliance with the Palermo Protocol.
  • $32 billion – Total yearly profits, in U.S. dollars, generated by the human trafficking industry.
  • $15.5 billion, half of the total, is made in industrialized countries.
  • $9.7 billion, one-third of the total, is made in Asia.
  • $13,000 per year, on average, generated by each trafficked laborer. This comes to $1,100 per month.
  • $21 billion – A preliminary estimate of the total financial cost of being in a forced labor situation, rather than a free employment situation, to all workers in forced labor across the globe in U.S. dollars.

Hope you learnt a lot from her speech and please spread the message. The statistics above is SCARY.

Thank you so much for joining in Sunitha's fight and reading this post...

Oops!!! If you are in Nigeria, there is a stage play on child trafficking that will be shown on all of the Sundays in the month of AUGUST. It's called 'Batonga- A tale about Child trafficking'
The Venue is 'Terrakulture's freedom hall' and ticket is for N2,500.

Thanks again...Hugs :)

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