Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

Hello Dear,
How are you doing?
I’m a big believer of being KIND. You?
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~Aesop
It’s important and it doesn’t have to be big and costly and all. Love should guide us in whatever we are doing and one small act of kindness can go a long way in helping someone.
At times, I run out of ideas though on how to help (You?). I’ve been ‘kindness’ scoting the internet for help and here are some tips I saw…
Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~Mother Teresa

Remember, let love guide you in whatever you do. Hugs J
Big thank you to helpothers.org and daretobeanangel.caom for many of these ideas :)
prepare a meal for a homeless person
 smile :)
3.    call your mother to tell her you love her
4.    write a handwritten note
5.    knit a beanie or blanket for a homeless person
6.    put change in the washer/dryer for the next person
7.    plant a tree
8.    send your favorite grade school teacher flowers
9.    write a thank you letter to your parents
10.                      pay the toll for the person behind you
11.                      tape a nice saying or thought to a bus window
12.                      instead of just thinking it, compliment someone
13.                      give a sad looking stranger a happy music cd
14.                      ask someone “how are you?” mean it. and listen.
15.                      make some baked goods for your neighbor(s)
16.                      hug your loved ones for no particular reason
17.                      make breakfast for your partner or housemate
18.                      call someone you haven’t talked to in a while
19.                      give someone a flower …or a dozen
20.                      offer someone else your seat on the bus/train
21.                      visit a senior center or nursing home
22.                      say “thank you” for the otherwise routine, mundane
23.                      pick up trash
24.                      donate one of your favorite possessions
25.                      give someone a fruit basket
26.                      collect clothes to take to a local shelter
27.                      stop to have a conversation with a homeless person
28.                      give an inspiring book to a struggling friend
29.                      leave your favorite book in a public place with a note
30.                      donate books to your local library
31.                      visit an animal shelter
32.                      volunteer at a soup kitchen
33.                      build a home with Habitat for Humanity
34.                      mentor local youth
35.                      pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru
36.                      buy dessert for someone eating out alone
37.                      pick up the tab for a random table at a restaurant
38.                      put $10 on a random gas pump
39.                      buy flowers for the cashier at the grocery store
40.                      visit an orphanage with some goodies
41.                      prepare a “to-go” breakfast for the morning mailman
42.                      mail a friend some cupcakes
43.                      send anonymous flowers to your office receptionist
44.                      buy an extra umbrella on a rainy day
45.                      give your waiter or waitress a huge tip
46.                      tape an anonymous joke to your boss’ monitor
47.                      send a nice card to a family member, just because
48.                      don’t lose any opportunity to say: i love you
49.                      leave a funny or kind note in an unexpected place
50.                      invite a non-local friend over for dinner with your family
51.                      read to a child
52.                      rake someone’s yard
53.                      be a courteous driver
54.                      hold the elevator
55.                      visit a lemonade stand
56.                      recycle
57.                      offer someone an unexpected tip
58.                      set up a free lemonade stand on a hot day
59.                      take some soup or hot chocolate to a homeless person
60.                      leave a collection of positive news clippings in a waiting room
61.                      practice patience
62.                      refrain from gossiping; speak well of others
63.                      act as if the glass were half full
64.                      turn off a leaky faucet
65.                      let someone get ahead of you in line
66.                      listen intently
67.                      prepare a nutritious sack lunch for a homeless person
68.                      babysit for a single parent
69.                      wave a “honk if you like to smile” poster at a street intersection
70.                      be bold in your appreciation of life around you
71.                      create an inspired piece of art and gift it to someone
72.                      give a lottery ticket to a stranger
73.                      compliment a stranger sincerely
74.                      run an errand for someone
75.                      send a friend an old photo and recall that time
76.                      send a random person in the phone book a small gift
77.                      send your sibling a small gift anonymously
78.                      donate an hour of your professional services
79.                      invite someone who is alone over for dinner
80.                      leave chocolate for your co-worker
81.                      spend time with the elderly
82.                      share your secret recipe with a friend
83.                      write a letter of appreciation
84.                      introduce yourself to someone you always see around
85.                      anonymously send a friend in need some cash
86.                      throw kids in your neighborhood a pizza party
87.                      tape some change to a payphone
88.                      put up anonymous, lovely post-it notes for strangers to find
89.                      donate blood
90.                      cook dinner for a busy parent
91.                      give a little one a lollipop
92.                      make time
93.                      speak gently
94.                      laugh heartily
95.                      share your last bit
96.                      one time, stop everything to help someone else
  1. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

Got this tips from lifehack.org. Amazing!!!!!
1.     Send someone a hand written note of thanks.
2.    Make a card at home and send it to a friend for no reason.
3.    Buy a lottery ticket for a stranger.
4.    Put some coins in someone else’s parking meter.
5.    Walk your friend’s dog.
6.    Give a compliment about your waiter / waitress to his / her manager.
7.    Send someone a small gift anonymously.
8.    Stop and help someone replace their flat tyre.
9.    Let someone jump the queue at the bank.
10.          Pay for the drinks on the next table at a cafĂ©.
11.          Treat a friend to the movies for no reason.
12.          Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it.
13. Talk to that kid in school that no one wants to talk to
14.          Give up your seat for someone, not just an elderly person.
15.          Write notes of appreciation at least once a week.
16.          Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation.
17.          Pick up some rubbish in the road which would otherwise be lying around.
18.          Compliment a work colleague for their excellence.
19.          Recommend a competitor to a potential client.
20.          Give another driver your parking spot.
21.          Give a piece of fruit to a delivery person.
22.          Help an elderly neighbour carry the rubbish out.
23.          Tell all your family members how much your appreciate them.
24.          Leave a copy of an interesting book on a train / bus.
25.          Buy an inspirational book for a friend.
26.          Send a thank you note to a person who has helped you in the past.
27.          Smile a lot.
Image Source:Motivational Memo

Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. ~Scott Adams

 1. Pay for someones gasoline bill anonimously the next time you are filling up your car
2. Make it a point to smile at everyone you see and pass
3.Drive safely and be courteous. When another driver makes a minor driving error, instead of showing anger or aggression, give them a smile or a wave gesture letting them know you understand.
4. When visiting a patient at the hospital, take some time and stop into someones room who does not have any visitors at the time.
5. Drop off a plant or some home-made baked goods to your local police or fire department
9. Say something nice to everyone you meet today
10. Leave a kind note for a family member or friend
11. Smile and say "Hello" to people you don't know.
12. Wash a neighbors vehicle.
13. Give your pocket change to someone who is needing it.
14. If you're a boss of a company - allow your employees to leave a half hour early
15. Do as many things as you can by being anonymous. It's a wonderful feeling.
16. Take a parent out to dinner to their favorite restaurant.
17. Call a parent just to say you love them.
18. Take a meal to a family you know.
19. Drop off books and magazines to hospitals, nursing homes and doctors offices.
20. Sponsor an eye surgery for someone who is blind in an underdeveloped country.

What goes around is sure to come around – happy helping :-)
Brighten someone’s day!!!!
Thanks a lot for reading….Love you!!!
Hugs J

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~Leo Buscaglia