Wednesday 20 March 2013


A true friend:
Accepts you as you are
Believes in You
Celebrates your success
Defends you
Encourages you
Forgives you no matter what
Gives you what you need
Has patience with you
Inspires you
Judges you rarely but fairly
Keeps your secrets
Loves you for who you are
Makes you feel better
Never abandons you
Open doors for you
Proud of you

Quels your fears
Restores you confidence
Shares your joy and grief
Tells you the truth
Understands you best
Values you
Want the best for you
Xpects the best from you
Yanks you back to reality
Zeroes in on what's wrong....
True Friendship A-Z by Michael Josephson

Was reminded today of a story about true friendship (Click here to listen). 
One of my greatest gifts ever are my friends....It's amazing how they pull through for me every time. 

And when I'm an 'ASS', they are the first to bring me back to reality...And when I'm weary, their words bring me back to life..... And their words of encouragements walk me through whatever stormy situations I'm in (Laughing and crying with me through it)....

I'm glad that you are my friend...You are too valuable and beautiful for me.

Thank you God for the gift of friendship......And I'm thankful too that God is our friend and that He 'super' cares for us.... Wow!!!!!!

Dedicating today to all my friends (Including you, even if you are Online)  :))

Big Hugs.....


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