Thursday, 9 February 2012


I guess you know the definition of faith so I’ll drive into practical examples of how it’s applied. Anyways, I hate craming defined things (don't ask me why???). I love examples because they help me understand a subject matter better. They also help me to explain things better.

So here we go...

What comes to your mind when you think of it; 
1. Believing in a God whom even though I can’t see I feel his presence in everything I do and I know he hears me.
2. Believing the wind exist so much so that even though I can’t see it, I feel it and there’s a deep conviction that it is around me (what do you think carries objects around sometimes??? Sticking out tongue)
3. Believing that I will win a Nobel laureate for literature even though I don’t have a book yet.
4. Believing that I will have a billion in my bank account (even more) though I have a few coins in my pocket now.
5. Believing that there will be a better tomorrow even with a tres triste (very sad)yesterday
6. Believing that you are reading this even though I am not seeing you (OK, don't stop now)

Faith helps us live life and it helps us hope. But faith doesn’t work alone, it requires hard work, it requires belief, it requires an extra time and an extra effort before it manifests.

 My braniac friend, Gabriel, sent this to me just now... Everything starts with faith. Faith causes us to see good things in the future, and because of this, we develop a vision of success and prosperity in life- Casey Treat...

So guys, have faith...

Great day...



  1. yeah!!!!!!!the real thing......just believe nd u will move mountains....go girl...
