Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Hi everyone,

My cousin came over yesterday and we were talking about the Olympics and how team Nigeria is faring. Unfortunately, it’s not that impressive (We are yet to win a medal...)

Well, we started talking about all the talents that are yet to be harvested in this great country...Read the list below:
1. Every day at Mushin Bus stop, you see our ‘Agbero’s’ fighting....In my opinion, they can be trained to win a medal in the boxing competition. Talent wasted.

2. When you are on 3rd mainland bridge, you can see the Makoko people: Fishing or Canoeing. Even children as little as 5 years old can handle the canoe, why don’t we recruit them and train them to reach for greatness. Another wasted talent going unnoticed.

3. Under your bridge, (I’m sure you know the ones I’m talking about), you see all those boys playing football; they are a miracle to be harvested. Why are they still playing football under the bridge? Why don’t we give them the chance to impress us on a proper pitch? What are we waiting for?

4. How about in swimming? We say Michael Phelps is good, but I bet you the Niger Delta guys are better. They live, breathe and eat water. Why weren’t we represented in the swimming competition?

5. Aha!!!One of my favourite sporting competitions is the Athletics. You see all those guys on Adeniji that sell gala, I’m sure they can beat the new world record that Usain Bolt set in the Olympic. Those guys can run but what do we do? Allow them to keep selling gala and viju milk and look for talent in the wrong places.

6. Even you guys that are always lifting weight everytime to get '6 packs' (I know all of you, so don't make start mentioning names), why aren't you guys not representing us in 'weight lifting'? Abi, your 'shakara' na for girls only?

7. Our strong 'Meruwa' (The hausa guys that sell water) are also strong. Honestly, I wish I had their enduring skills. Why aren't they trained for a better sport?

All of these are my opinions (Don't mean to hurt anyone). Opportunities abound everywhere. We don't need outside talents to help us. A little money and lots of internal talents can get us far.

We are blessed in Naija, if only, we would stop wasting potential talents...

May God help us jare.

Thanks for reading this and hopefully, the NOC will listen to my advice and stop wasting the talents of potential heroes. (Just saying)

Hugs!!! J

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