Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Back to life, back to reality (Humming that song right now, that’s exactly how I’m feeling , Back to reality...)... Yup, work resumes after the long weekend...Like momma says; No more late mornings (the crazy alarm woke me thrice today; 4:30 a.m., then 5:30 a.m. and finally at 6:00 a.m; had to set it that way to wake me up early…Miss my sleep, a lot; but seriously who wakes up at such time in the world??? Please, don’t answer; it’s those of us participating in the rat race, Why can’t life be simple??? Sighs)...Anyways, prayed, brushed my teeth, bath, put on my favourite corporate dress and off to work...But boy, I miss resting at home. And arguing with my sisters.

And no, I am not lazy, I just love sleeping…

But the weekend was fun, watched a lot of movies, read, and basically loved engaging in the ‘little things’…like preparing a new meal. Yesterday, we made Gombe sauce. Saw it in one book sha, and made it. It was delicious, pepperish et al. I’m a good cook ooo (Thank you LORD). I’m so proud of me. Though the sad thing was- our stomach could not stop rumbling…You can imagine…Can’t say more…

Back to reality…Aargh, it’s work time…

Got to go. The stack of documents awaits…

Have a great day…and remember Everyday has its realities, make it count no matter what, Smile a lot, find the good in every situation...




  1. Rango... you dont know that you are supposed to give us recipe (rme)... And about being a good cough (clearing throat... my tasete buds disagree.

  2. some how av ended up on this side of the same line. 4am to 9pm every week day belongs to my job! why does it have to b dat way. annoying joor. can some1 save me or....is dis fate?????

    1. Nah, it's not fate...Read rich dad, poor dad..it helps....Dont plan to work forever myself..relying totally on God for HELP!!!

  3. thank god u are back....
