Monday, 31 December 2012

Little Miracles :)

Hello Dear,
Isn’t it nice experiencing the end of a year and walking into the new year?
I’m so excited. You?
Image Source:

Wrote this little poem that makes me grateful for every single moment of my amazing life. It’s called ‘Little miracles’. Also, reminding you to always be grateful for something because someone out there wishes they were in shoes right now. Like I always tell myself when I complain, shut up and think again.
For the smile behind the sadness
For the hands that wipes the tears
For arms to hug the broken hearted
For toes that run to my loved ones
For thoughts to fill my graven mind
For eyes to feeds wisdom to my brain
For the man that lovingly holds me on those days
For the family that longingly hear my babbling
For learning innocence from kids
For learning experience from life
For feeling love from you
For gaining strength from the work of my hands
For insightful discussions in a crowded room
For the gift of water, bread, and bed
For strength to hold these dear
For contentment, peace and joy
For a neck to done grandma’s necklace
For shoulders to wear sisters bag
For ears to pique buzzing flies
And good health to help a failing body
For breathe to enjoy all of these
For friends to share them with
For courage to bear the losses
For the One who provides
For the little miracles in my life
My heart swells everyday
My feet dances
My waist sways
For the little miracles in my life
I, only I, know it
How priceless every one of them is
Even the closed doors.
The end…

I'm not lucky. I'm blessed'. Blessed beyond measures. Thanking God for all of the amazing people in my life, including you (you took the time out to read this post. Wow!!! You rock!!! Thanks). Also grateful for the storms and rainbows. Yayyy :)
Ps: Another reason to be grateful; It's my kid sisters birthday. 'Tis an amazing way to end the year :))

Thanks again for reading. Hugs!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

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